Monday, August 30, 2010


This is not official...but there is a good chance we have a date for the wedding!  The Bride mentioned to me today that Renaissance Man Groom mentioned to someone else when they are getting married.  I'm leary about posting it, just in case...but we are getting closer it seems. I think its safe to say "in the merry merry month of May"!

And the Bride has been looking at wedding gowns online, mentioning a few of her likes and dislikes. J Crew has a few that have caught her eye, and she said she likes a few others, but no specifics, sorry. Hop over to J Crew , Aunti C., and guess which ones she likes. Keeping in mind Bride is $$$$$ conservative. 

FYI, Bride and MOB, (me) have been planning weddings for years!

It's a fun way to pass time as you're driving down the road. I can recall very few details, but the tartan plaid one seems to stick in my brain the most. 

So far, tartan plaid has not been mentioned.

Brooke, at Brooke Jantz Photography, slipped me some cute ideas for outdoor weddings.  Some of which Bride and I have discussed before. Will be fun to see what actually happens. 
Providing it is an outdoor wedding.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

yippee and hoorah!

Good news! 
We do have the missing photos...okay..the Bride had some.

See how cute they look. 

According to the bride...they are taking turns here being a pirate!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Two maybes

Maybe # 1.
We might have a outdoor wedding . As in our backyard. We might I repeat. As far as I know that hasn't been determined. Just in case, I'm kind of getting the yard in shape. Went out to mow, discovered the mower had quit, for life. Hubby got to get a new one. There I was...all dressed and ready to mow...but no mower. So I pulled the grass out of the flower beds, trimmed the dead out of the lilac bush. Also trimmed up the low branches on the maples,  and studied the possible locales for a possible ceremony. Many years ago when the Bride and Reniassance Man Groom met, he stopped by for a visit, and we got to meet him. It was Spring, my pear trees were in bloom in the backyard looking so lovely. The bride, who-wasn't-a-bride-then  remember, wanted to have photos of the 2 of them. So...we took them under the pear trees, until they decided the trees were too stinky, and we moved over by the lilac bush. The photos were cute. RMG made some funny faces, when B. was cooperating, and vice-versa. Very cute pics.

Maybe # 2
I've been looking for those photos. No they aren't on my computer, no I don't have negatives, and its starting to look like I don't have the originals either.  I used to know where they were because I tucked them down deep in a desk drawer one of the times B. and RMG weren't a couple. Didn't want her to run across them and be sad.  In fact, it's very possible I tossed them the last time they decided a relationship wasn't going to work. They would move on without each other.  I distinctly remember debating on whether or not to keep those pics.....just in case. What I don't recall is what I eventually decided to do.

hmmm,, my memory isn't too good re: the photos...but I do remember her eyes dancing after he left. She just sparkled with happiness. Something about a 'foot-popping' hug.
I also remember B telling me about how this RMG danced by the side of the road with her. They cranked up the car music and danced on a lonely prairie highway.

So we don't have the first photos, fine,.... my daughter has her dream man.  That's good enough.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the really really really hard stuff

Today has been hard. I've been extremely busy recently and now feeling overwhelmed because of it.  This is a grand setting for my emotions to wreck havoc with my heart. There was a small emotional tornado running rampant, needing to be released.
The jest of it being, where does the mom of the bride fit in? How do you know when to ask questions, when to help make decisions, and when to just keep the mouth shut? (Preferably you know before the mouth gets away.)
And then I was struggling with the fact I just want to be able to give my daughter a hug. To literally embrace this child/woman/bride and tell her how happy I am for her. To oohh and aahh over her ring, to watch her brown eyes dance when she tells me the engagement story..again and again even. To get the little details about the event. I don't even know if anyone in the restaurant saw the proposal. Did they respond?
I'm envious of those who live in the same town as she. Heck the same state even. And envious of those who get to celebrate her joy with her in the flesh.  Who get to give that hug, see that ring, and I have to wait. I don't want to wait. I don't want to be the last person to do this. I AM THE MOMMA!!!!


Whoa here momma.,. that's lots of I's and me's.
It's not about me.
It's about her.
(deeeep breath.)

Yes.....but still.. ..

What you don't know about my day today adds to some of the tornado, and some of the self-examining.
Today my hubby and I took his mom to a funeral. His cousin's daughter died at the age of 19 of cancer. She fought the battle for nearly half of her life. I didn't know the cousin or daughter...but still...

And then this evening we had grief group. Hubby and I facilitate 2 groups for parents who's children have died. Tonight's was with those whose teenage daughters were killed in various accidents.

You get the picture don't you?  How can I feel sorry for myself ? I have friends who would give anything,..... literally anything,  to have their daughter here once again. To know they have the hope of giving that hug, even if several weeks away...even being the last person to get do so.

Oh Sweet Jesus, humanness is so very hard.
I am so very needy.
I need You.

and to my daughter/bride. Tears are good, they help us heal. Remember, I love you...I miss you...and I am sooo looking forward to October.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


It was a grand party for my folks. 

This is an envelope addressed to Mom from her mother. " Maureen B. isn't that a pretty name, sounds like a beautiful chord on the piano."
I teared up when I read it. Still do. Such a legacy of love that has been passed down in my family. We are blessed.

These 2 lovelies my aunts Margie and Betty Jane, enjoying cake.
Some of my cousins who helped us celebrate. So happy to have them come. Oh and there are actually 2 sets of sisters in this photo.

Even cake left over for Daddy to enjoy later.!

Days like today... I celebrate marriages and the couples who commit to each other.
Lord bless them all.

Friday, August 20, 2010

marriage on my mind

Today is my parents 60th wedding anniversary. We've planned a very small reception for them on their farm tomorrow.  I got Mom's bridal gown cleaned and pressed. It's so sweet.Mom had such a tiny waist. I am enjoying the wedding photos that were taken. There's Dad's long arms and skinny wrists sneaking out the end of his suit. Mom's bride glow of happiness and beauty.
And in the midst of planning for them, comes the engagement of my daughter! Such sweet events for me this August.
It takes lots to make a marriage work. I've shared that thought with our kids probably as long as they can remember. Marriage is fun, but also takes time, work, patience, and commitment. Find someone who will be as committed to making it through the hard times as the easier ones, and keep on praying and praising.

May God bless our Bride and Renaissance-Man Groom  with as many  years of being together as my folks have had.

Need to stop brown-eyed-handsome man wants to watch a movie with me now. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wedding worthy?

Knowing the bride is thinking a 'green' wedding as much as possible, I've kept my eyes open for treasures for possible use. You know, things previously loved by another generation, but now being appreciated by us. 
We've traveled a bit this summer and I've been finding some treasures that just might be useful for the wedding.

This is a vintage pale green table cloth that has tulips on it. The brides favorite flower. 

Or she might find a place to use this hammered aluminum tray...leafy..viney...another favorite.

And this little candle holder just jumped in my hand and begged to come home with me.

I also got the bride an engagement gift, but you can't see it until she does! Don't worry, its on the way there now.

To my facebook friends ......remember all those table cloths I got at the auction? Well there really was a method to my madness in that purchase. Wedding madness that is.

Friday, August 13, 2010

More communicating w/the silly-charming-delightful seestor* chiming in too. 

When RMG first sent Dad and I the text re: his intentions...we just enjoyed it to ourselves . I do understand the wanting to just enjoy it w/o all the hullabaloo. I only told Brother b/c I HAD to tell someone. Then kept quiet for many many weeks.
Am realizing that since we've know about this for 4 months, we've processed, and are in a "different stage".
love always,

Bride responding
that's true, i hadn't thought about it that way. **griin**
we haven't had that time, that makes sense as to why i say "hold on now" in my noggin.
that being said, some things do have to be determined ASAP. i'm working on those w/RMG.....
let me know if i need to add anything to the list besides photographer!

working on enjoying,
much love,

 Mom again
obviously a date would be helpful. And yes it's his wedding too.

Dad has suggestions and will say "I want to....yatayata." I remind him its not what HE or I want. It's your 2's decision.

I don't think we have to let the photographer know which package you want this early, but I do know the sooner we can give her a date, the better chance we have of getting what U want. But I will tell you, Dad is willing to go w/the mid-price package. He's come to terms that this is going to exceed his original budget, and he's okay. He knows we won't go over board. He has been very sweet and says things like " I want her to have what she wants."

I said can u repeat that on a tape recorder please?? = )

What I want you both to know and realize the general public is EXCITED for you. And that is okay. I like what your friends say to you..." you deserve this". Everyone does, and most people get it.

We are being offered things, places, food, greetings, etc.

Keep pondering daughter,
love Mom 

silly, charming, delightful seestor jumps in the conversation

i bought a new digital camera....why...i don't...but i's pretty, red, shiny....pretty...

sorry i felt like i had to contribute something....i felt out of place !

Mom replied
oh maaan. a red camera? I'm jealous. I never get the pretty stuff. gray phone, gray camera, gray gray gray.


End of that conversation. See we are having a bit fun w/ all this, which is our nature. I am sooo blessed to have the family I do. My daughters are delightful, witty, intelligent, compassionate, and of course gorgeous.

As you can tell by this photo taken a few years ago.

The pic above shows the seestors serenading an uncle at the Family Christmas talent show. 

RMG happened to be visiting at the time of the first photo so he got to join in. But more than likely he instigated the shenanigans!

 How can I not feel blessed w/a future son-in-love like that?

Commenting 101

I realize this blogging is new not only for me..but some readers. So.. just to let you know you can comment w/o getting too hung up in all this techy stuff. I think you can just comment anonymously and be okay. If you choose to go that way, and want to., give me a hint as to who you are, if you're not comfy signing your name. Experiment w/it a bit and see what happens.

I've really enjoyed the comments so far, here and in my email.

Thanks for your support, friends and family.

Many of my friends seem like family to really is there much of a difference there?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

M.O. B. and B . communicating

Bride and mom are communicating already. Some is entertaining and worth us remembering for in the blog it goes. Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

message from the Bride:

pics are fine. i think it's pretty great, kinda like a scrapbook that everyone gets to share at once. **grin**
& once i visited the blog, it's not so over the top. it's really very sweet. i like it. it's just tricksie, b/c i'm still wrapping my head around this engaged thing, & Renaissance Man Groom* is too. i might be more afraid of overwhelming him than anything.
being at the center of all this attention is nice, for a bit...then it becomes flustering & i feel not worthy of it, or that it's just too much.
but you are right, some things need to get done right away. RMG* wants some say in this & to have his opinions considered. i'm giving him a week before we sit down & talk this out. just a week to enjoy it.
i think it is verra sweet that daddy wants a dinner. **grin** of course we can have one. i do get a bit nervous thinking about adding all these things so suddenly: dinner, a reception venue.
i want to keep this simple, i don't want it to get too over the top or out of hand. i don't want us to have to wear ourselves too thin. i want us to keep this a celebration, keep that as our focus.
though according to popular male opinion in the car last night, food makes celebrating more celebratory!! **grin** we took b & e down too the snake river last night. we found out that our boys are champion rock skippers!

(this just in: RMG hates embroidered towels)
much, much love,

to which I replied:

Just b/c some planning happens does not mean you still can't enjoy being engaged. It's not always a hurry up, go, do adventure.

Yes, it's a celebration and party. I will cancel the flying monkeys and pony rides however if I must. But the 10 story fountain is staying,, even if you get married in Zimbabwe!

As to the embroidered towels...well into each ones life some embroidery will fall.....

Did I mention CK and I will be at the cabin sept. 23rd - 26/27th? Gonna catch the fall colors, and some of the Celtic fest. If i'm lucky I'll get to attend a free beginner dulcimer class..and learn something.

take a deep breath, and enjoy the gifts God has bestowed on you,... His treasured and much loved child.
love always and forever,
mom.... and no monkeys ;(

Bride responds:
oh the monkeys are fine. in fact you could teach them to play the dulcimer & then i'll walk down the aisle to your new pets choral debut!! TA-DA!! **jazzhands**


sounds like a busy (but wonderful) time!
enjoy the fall colors for me! & the celtic fest...i am jealous!
much love back (& give daddy a hug!)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Luke 2:19

"but Mary quietly treasured these things in her heart and thought about them often."

There are many times as a mom I've identified with Mary and her treasuring, pondering things in her heart. When you realize you really are pregnant: when you feel that first little fluttering and hope it's not gas you feel, but really the baby. When you get to hold your baby for the first time and the days after. Wow.. such a gift God has blessed you with. Then the first day of school and you realize the baby is growing up, and will eventually leave you.

Many times a mom ponders and treasures.

I clearly remember our bride's first prom. We were excited. We got the dress, borrowed the shoes, had a friend do the hair, and watched as she nervously and excitedly got ready for her big evening. So proud and happy for her I was. Then the charming date arrives, all nervous and handsome. He genuinely appreciated how pretty she looked, for him, and off they went. Out the door. And it hit me....he got to enjoy my daughter, got to show her off, and party with her while the poppa and I stayed home.
Something didn't seem quite right with that. We created this child, paid for all the hoopla, shouldn't we get something? It was a bit of an empty feeling.

Now, here we are, another pondering, treasuring time. When the groom sent us the text showing his fingers holding a ring with the message. " don't worry. I have a plan." I was surprised,,,, cried,,, and then was tenderly held by my brown-eyed handsome hubby. He asked, " aren't you happy?" "yeeesss" I blubbered.

And I wanted to tell everyone..yet I wanted to tell no one. It was our news, our joy, our excitement, our time to treasure and ponder. Here we were, our oldest daughter was soon to receive a heart's desire, which made it our desire...yet I was ... happy, sad, excited, and knowing things will never be the same. As much as I wanted her to know the feeling of love and being cherished by the man of her dreams, I also didn't want to think of sharing her at holidays with some one else and the other changes marriage brings. I didn't want that empty feeling again.

However, in our family we don't "give kids away". We just happily love another in to the family.

Lately, my pondering has been on some already shared experiences with the Renaissance Man* Groom, and all the life-sharing we will get to do. Happy to say..we like him. He's a God gift to our bride, and a God gift to our family. And we are genuinely thrilled to see how happy our bride is. Such a joy for parents.

Enough pondering for today. My heart can only handle so much.

* the Brides grandma and great aunti often say " he is SUCH a renaissance man"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Happy

Those are the words my daughter posted on Face Book, to announce her engagement. Her smile goes clear back to her molars it seems. Yes, she is happy happy. So are we.

Happiness sometimes comes with tears. I cried when we got a text from her boyfriend with the photo of her ring and he said.." don't worry. I have a plan." That was in April. He finally proposed in August!

Yes, it was hard keeping the news from her, especially when she would call lamenting about why he hadn't proposed. We even kept her sister from knowing so she wouldn't have to lie, fudge, and be tormented not being able to help her "seestor".

So now the planning begins. I've already begun making lists, checking them twice. And we have 10 months yet! I know, it will go fast.

Oh, I did purchase 3 bridal magazines on the day after the proposal.