Wednesday, December 29, 2010

6 x 4 or 9 x 7 ???

37 degrees outside
27 windchill

Bride and Mom wander in the backyard, dreaming and scheming.
Center aisle here?
Chairs can go this far over and still have good view.
Bride and RMG face the people?

Hoopa size? (see title dimensions)
How many lights does it take to cover a (insert assorted items)

We NEED  more bricks.
How many strings of lights?
Will it even be dark enough for lights at 7pm.?

fyi....6 x 4

Monday, December 27, 2010


Just like I thought, RMG's family is delightful.
We had a lovely time.
Even got some 'wedding-talk' done.

Thanks RMG's family for coming for lunch. Come again, anytime.


Miss Bride is a tad anticipatory today. Just a little nervous. 
(drum roll sounding here)
We are getting together with RMG's parents for the first time. It's the 'family meeting' each other. 
(finish with a loud bang)

I'm looking forward to it. To be fair, so is Bride.

I get to meet the people who raised the man who is marrying our daughter. And since RMG is a really good man, seems to me he obviously comes from good stock! We like RMG, stands to reason we'll do just fine with his "people". 

Using the word people in the place of family makes me think of my father-in-law. Another grand man, and dearly missed since 1992. 

Relax Bride and RMG, it will be fine.  
Your "people" will behave. 
: )


Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Last evening we got Miss Bride. 

Delightful sister of the bride and I met up with her and RMG. 
After we ate most of his french fries, we whisked away his bride, and headed south while he went north. 

Of course we had to stop for a few necessary items;
long sleeved white top, bag of mint flavored M & M's, and tylenol. 

We also had supper together. 

How to describe what my heart felt? 
Cherishing this time with my girls, 
eating breakfast for supper, 
snatching food off each others plates, 
remembering adventures, 
planning for more ahead....


For this momma's pondering heart, that is the best word to describe it. 
Okay, thankful too.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Nix that option...

The dress I ordered for myself is a no go.
I liked the shape, but not the color.

just in case you were wondering.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Girls

I have friends. 
Yes, I do.
Great ones in fact. 
And I have them in different states even. 

In September I got to spend time with these two girls who live too far away from me.
  We celebrated the middle one's 50th birthday. Much laughter and nonsense and shopping and eating, etc. I am blessed to know these girls. You would be too, if you knew them. 

Today my in-state girlfriends came for lunch. 
A 50th birthday was happening for her. 

These girls came to help celebrate

Don't be fooled by their calm serene faces....
in reality we looked more like this for most of the time!

As I think about what each one of these girls means to me, it reminds me of Miss Bride.

She too is blessed with many sweet wonderful friends. 
Several of those sweeties will be attendants at the wedding. 

I've always told her she can only have 3 attendants. 
She would sigh, roll her eyes, and then say.." I can't. 
I have to have more."

So, she will have 6 lovely girls in attendance with her. 

Girlfriends are the ones who help us make sense of the sometimes nonsense of life. 

I should know huh?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

It's begun

I ordered a dress for myself today.
It has potential.
Also a few questionable things.

Not sure I'll like the sleeves, that aren't really sleeves.
And the color may not be intense enough.
My gray and white hair needs intensity.
But I gotta start somewhere...

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Last evening I visited with a caterer for the wedding. Got some great ideas, etc. 
Later as I thought about that conversation, remembering what I said,  these words jolted me. .." my daughter is getting married in May."  

Those aren't small words. Those are BIG WORDS, that carry an even bigger impact currently. " my daughter is getting married in May." May! Do you know how close that is? 
I'm not even thinking of the endless list. More on the lines of the changes for our lives. 
Our darling baby girl is getting married. 

My heart is on a sentimental journey this week I guess. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


The replacement bridal gown arrived today! Yeah. Thanks J CREW for being prompt.

fyi, last Friday I finally got all the bulbs planted. Brown-eyed-handsome-hubby was hanging Christmas lights on the house, I was planting spring bulbs.

Seems a bit contradictory doncha think?

Monday, December 6, 2010


Bride visited her grandparents recently.
All were excited to see her.
All approved of the gown and groom choice!
All are anticipating with joy, May 29, 2011.

Bride and  Gram. 

 Grandma admiring the ring.


Comparing diamond sizes with Grandma! : )

Bride and Grandma.

Bride and Grandpa.

Friday, December 3, 2010


I am blessed to have an amazing sister. 
We've been good friends for many years.
Recently we had this conversation;

Let me set the scene, we are shopping in the city, just had mammograms, and have walked in to a very lovely gift store enthroned with holiday greens, reds and sparklys.

My sister seriously and a tad hesitantly said,
" I want to do something for you. " 

I look at her expectantly... waiting.

She goes on , " I want to buy your mother of the bride dress for you."

I gasp quite loudly and my eyes immediately fill with tears. 

Continuing on after we've wiped our eyes my tender sweet sister said," you did sooo much for my son's wedding, I want to do this."

To which I replied, " That's not necessary. I plan on getting you back this coming spring." 

She shakes her head, " No, I want to do this." 

fyi, for those who don't know,
I can afford the dress.
My sister knows this. 
That's not what this is about. 

It's love. Pure sisterly love. 

The little one is me.

When we were children she would ask me to do something for her and then say ,
" I'll love you forever and ever."

 She is.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Bride is headed back to RMG today. 
Has been wonderful having her home.
Busy Bee's we've been.
We got her registered locally on Monday.
Picked the dress.
Worked on finalizing our part of guest list. 
Showed all the grandma's the gown options. 
They give their blessing on " the chosen one."
Took a 4 day trip with the family.

And Bride has managed to slip in visits to two cherished friends!
Spent time with RMG's family.
Saw the new Harry Potter movie...twice. Plus she made 3 pies, crusts and all, 
bierrocks twice, 
and slept in three different beds at home!!

I know she's missing her RMG.
and he is missing her.

that's the way it should be. 

fly safe darling daughter. 
love always and forever,
the momma