Monday, August 8, 2011

I like weddings...

I do like weddings.
the realization of dreams coming true,
and the hope of a life-time of.... contentment.

Earlier this summer I was blessed to reconnect with a friend and former co-worker. 
She was understanding this wedding journey, because 
she is a Mom of the Groom. 
We commiserated with each other over the little frustrations
that do arise.
Let's face it. 
We are dealing with humans here.
But also celebrated the joy and fun stuff too.

Just this past weekend her son got married.

Today she began writing about the weekend, 
their rehearsal supper adventures...
and even included pictures.

I love it.
Another outdoor wedding.
Another taking a-chance-on-the-weather.

I've heard the rehearsal weather was cooperative,
but waiting to hear about the wedding.

I'm sure it was sweet.

You wanna tell me about your wedding adventures or 
I'd love to hear them.

Everyone needs a listening ear..
and guess what?
I've got 2 available ones.



  1. Oh, my wedding adventure was a backyard wedding 29 years ago yesterday in a southern suburb of Chicago. Sweetie and I said "I do" at the church and the skies opened wide. In one and a half hours it poured 4" of rain. A river ran through the middle of the tent we had erected in the backyard. The water was mid-calf on my legs as I sat at the head table. EVERYBODY stayed. EVERYONE had fun. It stopped raining. The sun came out. The water flowed away. And ashtrays were used as coasters on legs of chairs to keep from sinking too far into the backyard turf. People, who are alive, still talk about my wedding. It took and it is nice to be remembered. :)

  2. wow!!! that was quite the adventure. thanks for sharing.
    I'm glad it "took".
