Wednesday, September 22, 2010

roses planted- check, .....

My roses are planted. I even saved a spot for the huppa, for whenever this is all determined. Or is it already, Miss Bride?
Creeping phlox planted today, hosta's moved to new spot. 
Tulips, iris, etc going in the ground the middle of Oct. Also grass seed to be planted then. whew..
anybody wanna come help? 
I would post photos, but the moon isn't bright enough currently. 

Am under-the-gun a bit here, because of adventures on my horizon. Many days worth of adventures. ....getting to see some fall foliage soon w/my sister. Yeah! 
Next, to party with my good friend celebrating her 50th year, and then...... off to see the bride!!! We shall drive Renaissance Man Groom crazy with the planning and such. 

In the words of Tigger, TTFN

1 comment:

  1. have a blast in CO, momma!!
    give everybody big hugs in IN for me, if "we" drive RMG a little crazy, he probably needed to lighten up anyway!! **grin**

    much love!
