Tuesday, April 26, 2011

huppah hoopla part 4

We've gone from this

 with some arm stretching repairs

FOB loosing his head


Keeping with Bride's desire to be "green", this was built from her grandma's former rose arbor. The patio pavers were also part of grandparents backyard. 
Now Bride just needs to decorate it when she gets home. 

I heard FOB tell his mom yesterday about the huppah adventures. He also said while he was working on it he couldn't get a song out of his head.
"Is this the little girl I carried? .....
I don't remember growing older..
when did they?....
Wasn't it yesterday when she was small?"

Sunrise, sunset, swiftly go the days....

yes those days are going swift...33 days left!


  1. It is beautiful. Even without decorations. Lucky bride. Loving parents.

  2. I like the fact that in the two pictures of dad, he doesn't move really. He looks kind of like a dead body.

  3. oh man...i'm blaming my leaky eye syndrome on allergies...
    it looks gorgeous!! tell daddy he did a good job! **grin**
