Friday, April 8, 2011


FOB and I did yard stuff this morning.
We moved this arbor to it's wedding home here.
This has a gate here that is the entrance for guests and bridal party. Rose bush on right should be in full bloom.  
Spirea on left should too. Hostas are in the bed under rose bush.

I lined up the patio chairs to see how many rows will fit in this area.
Can do 10-15 chairs in a row on that side of the aisle. More as we do a curve to optimize viewing.
Will do something similar on the other aisle side.

Shifting hoopa locale a bit to line up with the walkway.
This is taken from bride and grooms possible spot.

 Then I added another row of bricks to fill in the area, 
makes mowing easier, 
and covers the dirt! : )


  1. This is looking very good MOB. You and FOB are really doing so much work. LOVE all the love you show.
