Wednesday, June 29, 2011

wedding day #5

RMG and the minister arrive, both looking dashing of course.

As each of RMG’s attendants walked past him he got a high five, hand shake, or small hug. Made my heart sing. 
RMG's brother high-fiving with lil's sis in the background
this was taken at rehearsal...but it was repeated at the ceremony

The girls all walked in looking beautiful in spite of wind-swept hair and swirly dresses.  Did you know all their dresses were different and chosen by them?  Such pretty colors of blues and greens, some patterned, some solid. A garden of loveliness. 

Bride’s Flower Girl, not your traditional one, was a former roomie. So instead of tossing petals she handed out roses to various people. 

She came in spreading joy when I was not paying attention, I was talking to my mom seated next to me. All of a sudden I hear this voice. “momma. “ I turn. It’s Flower Girl, handing me a rose.
Sigh….Very sweet.

Eventually I was waiting on my cue to stand for Bride and her daddy. When I saw the look on Charming and Delightful Sister’s face, I knew Bride and Daddy had stepped inside the fence.

Sister got teary eyed with a sweet smile. I confirmed with her it was time…. I stood up and turned around .
Oh goodness, the telling of this brings tears.
I was very happy then, now it hits me differently? Probably not helping with me to be listening to Sentimental Journey on Pandora.
Not sure if I’m the only mom who’s ever dreamed about the day when she would stand at her daughters’ wedding, signaling all the guests to stand. But I obviously have. A moment of joy . I wasn’t teary or sad….  Contentedly happy for my daughter.
A bit concerned for my hubby. His face was full of emotion. Tender and loving, and with a bit resigned look…’this is how it is, she was mine, now she’s his.’ 

RMG's expression was different than FOB,of course.
From the time Bride was handed over with a hug to RMG, it all went TOO FAST.
The prayer, readings, music, blessing, and whoosh…  it was over.
Wait!!! Let’s do this again in slow motion.  The ceremony was so much fun, the feelings I was experiencing were good, I wasn’t ready for it to be over.
And then the minister says,, “I introduce to you for the first time Bride and RMG “
She is beaming, he is grinning. I wish you could have seen them. 

Just as quickly the wedding party leaves and Hubby motions for me to go. I hesitated then remembered we were to precede the grooms parents.  Maybe I’m still wanting to slow it all down?   
After we all stand I stopped and gave RMG’s momma a big hug.

I think I hugged his dad too.
It felt right.
Our kids, our joy, our hearts full of emotions, and now our families are linked.
This is good.

Monday, June 27, 2011

wooo hoooo

We've gotten the pic 'proof's from the photographer...
i laughed and cried my way through them.

Some amazing ones of Bride w/my dad, he's hard to photograph so these are especially dear to my heart.

I'll share some if I can later.
now must go pull weeds....

Friday, June 24, 2011

faaaannnntaaabulous Friday...??

in the past 24 hrs some good things:
my hubby was here and he unloaded my stuff
he has also has a paying job and does it well
my bed is comfy,
house cool,
fridge full,
my friend is in the hospital....
but I prefer that to another possibility due to her injuries 
my folks are relatively ok
had a nice time w/2 of our kids
our car which has over 300,000 miles got me there & back safely

I did wake up to discover:
4 hanging baskets of flowers dead
water under the sink leaking on the floor

my sink is now fixed,
only 4 plants died...
the car took hubby off to an out of town job
my lawn mower works so I shall too
my kids are healthy
fridge still has food
house still cool

count your blessings, name them one by one
count your many blessings see what God hath done.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

i'm comfortable by myself

in fact, am a better person when I have alone time.
it's a well known fact in my birth family,
and also with my hubby and kids.
we all need some space.

so to be in this second floor quiet space...feels good.
I like the tree-house feel when I look out these expansive windows. The birds, squirrels and I are on an even level.
Those tree branches beg me to climb out on them.
It's tempting.

but I won't....
literally...just mentally.
maybe emotionally.....

The past year has been emotion packed.
Varied emotions because
this is life..we all live it.

sometimes you need to be alone with yourself
to put yourself back together again.

even out on a limb.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

a bit of rambling as I'm wandering...

Having a lovely time with our oldest and youngest children. Currently blogging, listening to the song Unforgettable on Pandora radio.
Sitting in a very old house turned to apartments.
Tall ceilings, over 9 ft., crown molding, fun trim around the doors and windows. 
Big leafy green trees outside framed by these long white trimmed
Such a relaxing view!
We've tried to figure out if the house was always full of roomers or apartments.
So far, we've only been conclusive on one thing....and that is....
We don't have a clue!

However that has not kept us from enjoying the character of this older home and the in the neighborhood.

I have been shopping for new living room curtains.
Remember, mine ended up being the huppah covering.
Due to the hurricane-force wedding winds, they are not new curtains for me! yeah.
or not.
So far not finding anything.

Tomorrow I make the 5 hour journey home.
Will stop along the way to see a good friend recently hospitalized.
Late last night she was involved in a hit and run.
She was the one hit.
I know..... soo wrong on many levels.
Yes, there are many injuries, and a long recovery ahead for her.
 I am thankful she's still around.
Gonna miss zumba and water aerobics though because she's our instructor.

My youngest daughter is apartment and cat sitting for a professor for a month.
This cat is huge, old and furry.
So along with my dirty clothes going home is cat hair covered clothes.
He's also diabetic and gets shots twice a day.

I grew up on a farm, and our pets learned it was survival of the this is a little hard for me to wrap my head around.
But to each is own.
The cat is friendly with me, and I do like cats so we've gotten along.

ahhh...nothing like great jazz music enjoyed on a quiet street in a room full of character. 
" it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing"....

p.s lets hope the man who lives upstairs winds up his "olympic floor shuffle" soon.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

a short break

Am headed to see Charming and Delightful Sister and Big Brother for  few days.
don't worry, or.... maybe you should....
I'm still writing on THE WEDDING DAY plus getting access to more snapshots!!! 
yahoo...just what you wanted MORE pictures right?

Monday, June 20, 2011

wedding day part 4

At our family photo time things get tricky. I managed to find the only remaining hole in the yard, left by our dog Patches.  The next thing I knew the ground and I were becoming well acquainted. I turned my right ankle and went down on my left knee.  “I hope I can get up!” I manage up as gracefully as possible, hobbled to the picture site. 
doncha love my 'windswept' hair-do?

 our main 4 kids now

Afterwards, I got some good therapy and stretching so I was able to function. It was suggested I limit myself on the dance floor. Hahaha!!

Once all bridal party pics were done, most went to the church. There was more room and it was cooler. I sat down at home to enjoy 9 week old Baby of Joy and Delight. 

She and I have such a connection. :) She would smile and talk to me! A precious gift for certain.

I did chat briefly with extended family members at the church, then back to putting up my feet in an attempt to the keep the ankle swelling down. 

All too soon, the bridal party is back in our home, and it’s time for the wedding to start
The whole day had been going so fast, I just wanted to slow it down….to ponder a bit. 

Time waits for no momma of the bride however and the backyard was full of warm guests.  
I was hanging out with the bridal party outside the fence waiting . When you are behind the scenes at a wedding, i.e. part of the bridal party, it reminds me of being backstage at a play. There is unity, a bit of anxiousness as you all wait your turn.

When we heard some music I got the best man to take a small spin on the dance sidewalk with me. Was fun. Plus I was getting to know this kind, organized and fun man who is a life-long friend of RMG. He’s a good egg that I plan to spend more time with in the years to come.

The grandparents were seated, and I only have photos of Brides side. RMG was blessed to have both his grandma's there too. Such cuties they are.
Our son bringing in my parents.

 Walking in Gram. 
She told him, " I'm walking down the aisle 
with another handsome family man."

then RMG’s momma….really wish I had a picture of that, too. I hope to get with his family for copies of their pictures.

and it was time for me. 
Ready or not.
On the arm of my tall handsome son, we started in. Several photos have been taken of us, and I’m in mid-strut… so it looks a bit…well…not the most complimentary.
 But this was boogie-ing music so we bopped 
to the music down the garden path
 and finished off with a spin before sitting down. 

 Later I was informed by a reliable source that my southern great niece said “ great entrance Aunt.” 

I am very thankful my son picked this happy song out. Anything sad or sentimental would have been havoc on my momma-heart.
Wanna know what the name is?
"flossing a  dead horse." 
horrid title, but GREAT music.
check it out for yourself.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

birthday boy

31 years ago my brown-eyed-handsome-man and I were blessed with a bouncing baby boy. He was 8 pounds 10 ounces and 21 inches long. 
Today he is 77 inches long! 
okay 6 feet 5 inches, and I have no idea his weight nor should I.

 He's 3 months old sitting on 
his great grandpa Joe's lap.
Six months old and already 
hanging out with his cousins.

At 8 months he's out with Grandpa Dave.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
so he's in dad's cap and mom's shoes and 2 yrs old.

 Sporting a much loved
Luke Skywalker t-shirt.

Brother and Bride holding a Pan Am Games torch
that was run past our Indiana home, summer of 1985. 

When he was very little Care Bears first came out. He got the bear Tender Heart. That seems to be very descriptive of him...tender hearted. We are blessed because all our kids genuinely love and care about each other. They enjoy spending time with each other. And Big Brother has always watched out for his sisters. He warned off his friends from dating his sisters even. hahaha.
And even though currently his life is not how he would prefer...we are proud of him. He's staying the course with confidence continuing to be compassionate with friends and family, and continuing the job hunt. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Entertainer

In honor of Father's Day, here's 
something I 
wrote about my dad.

September 2009
Recently I’ve been fortunate to travel in my Dad’s memories with he and Mom. The topic is usually the bus tours they used to take in the late 1970’s and 80’s. For his personal entertainment he became a showman. He had a small card board box he carried his magic tricks and joke books in, often prepping the night before in the motel room. When things got dull on the bus Dad would pull out his box of tricks, wander up and down the bus aisle performing. 
Guess he was so good there were inquiries in to how he did them. Not to be out done he would eventually tell...only for a price. 
The currency being candy. 
His favorites  were the chocolate turtles. 

My folks giggled recalling the basket full of candy he would end up with. Always the thinker..Pops decided to share his wealth with the others...and would announce ‘candy break.’ Sometimes he just gave it away...other times if he found a particularly sought after piece he would auction it off. “Who’ll give me 25 cents for this?”

Speaking of auctioning..sometimes the tour guide had small gift- wrapped boxes to auction . Here’s how the event usually unfolded. Dad would offer say…50 cents or so. Then Mom would up his bid by a quarter. Not to be outdone…Dad would offer an additional 50 cents shocking the whole bus. “you’re bidding against your wife??”  Imagine their amazement when he replied “I can’t let her win!!!” And my parents would get that bid up to 3 or 4 dollars with the occasional help of others. And for no other reason than entertainment.

Once Dad won the bid and after all the gifts were won,  he had another plan. Before he even opened his he would offer to trade it with anyone on the bus, sight unseen. Didn’t matter the size or such. Dad would always trade with whomever he could convince his box was the best!  He’d keep trading until everyone was happy. (He has done this at family Christmas's too when we play a silly game with unknown gifts.) However, one time a lady was miffed when she discovered she had traded away a lovely heart locket.     
Mom sometimes still wears this treasure. 

Dad didn’t limit his escapades to the actual bus ride. When they would stop for meals at a McDonalds  he would see how many people  he could get to go down the slipper slide or play in the ball pits with him. He would still go even if they didn’t. He had one timid lady convinced she would go down the slide  next time they stopped. Bless her heart. Her response was to hide from Pops the whole time in near fear and trembling until Mom assured her Dad was just teasing.
My folks are fun people. Mom even mentioned once she and Dolores went down a slide at a park…much to the delight of all the children. And then there is the time she fought the bull in Mexico. Did great until she forgot the bull was coming back..from behind!!   Guess her’s was saved when she threw the cape over the bull’s head and ran!! 

On one particular trip to Hawaii with good friends Dean and Dolores, they were all attending a luau. Seated at a large table with complete strangers, another couple asked to join them. Ever the gracious host Dad responded “ Certainly, we’re all family here. This is my wife Maureen, my brother Dean with his wife Dolores.” 
Then the fun really begins…Dad introduced the next man.. “and here’s our brother Harold. He’s never been married, and is usually quiet, but once you get to know him, he’s great!”  
 On and on he went around the complete table making up names and stories for each person!!!  No one ever questioned him. 

Needless to say, often people wanted to hang out with my folks since they were the fun couple. One time 2 single ladies trailed my folks and Dean and Dolores all around on that trip. Eventually the men informed these gals they would need to be thrown over the cliff..because they had to “sacrifice a virgin!”  This went on and on with much banter between them all, until the fateful cliff… and then one lady announced she didn’t qualify!
Oh Daddy just laughed and laughed when he told me this.
On one bus trip the tour guide informed everyone no longer could they call it a bus. The vehicle was now called a coach. Anyone who called it a bus must put a quarter in the can. Not to be outdone Dad does a bit of thinking one night in his motel room. He gets a  dollar bill, folds it in fourths with nice crisp sharp folds, then straightens it back out and returns it to his billfold. 
The next morning he hops on the bus, coach greeting them all “ Good morning! Glad to see everyone made it on the bus!” 
Of course they all teased him reminding him of the rule.
Dad replied. “oh man! Well…I don’t have any change.  (pause) Here’s what I’ll do..”  He pulls out his billfold, gets the dollar bill and proceeds to tear 1/4th off along the creases! 
Guess the whole bus is in an uproar! 
He chuckled remembering how the whole coach in one fell swoop sucked all the air out of the bus in exclamation. 
“You can’t do that!! It’s MONEY. You can’t tear MONEY!!” 

Eventually Dad got his quarter dollar back since it was useless to the tour guide. Not to Pops, he got out the tape and fixed it. And yes, he did use it.

Sometimes toward the end of the tour Dad would locate a flower shop, buying enough of one single long-stem flower for each lady on the bus. Mom was the trend setter when he gave her the broken stem one. Ever resourceful she tucks it behind her ear. Many ladies followed suit as the day went on. 
One time the florist had just gotten new product in and it wasn’t ready for the showroom floor. With no time to waste Dad quickly learned what needed to be done to the carnations and ‘fluffed’ them himself before giving them away.

Eventually the touring company asked my folks to lead a tour by themselves. Mom informed them no-can-do.   
She figured Dad would lose his patience by the second day and kick them all off the bus. 

Interestingly enough, many of the tourists did ask Dad if he was being compensated for his  “floor show”. 
Yup, you guessed it! His response was,
“Certainly..everything you do, I get to do for free. 
Everything down to my meals, room and such.” 
Actually, it's not true, at all. Dad just enjoyed making them wonder.
After a laugh with Pops, I looked him in the eye asking 
“ Don’t you ever feel bad for playing on people’s gullibility??” 

He thought a bit, and then clapped his knee in delight, grinning and giggling the whole time. 
I knew I had my answer.