Friday, May 13, 2011

still here....really

Due to Blogger maintenance reasons I was unable to blog for a few days.
But boy howdy, lots has been happening. 

I got the final hair cut
600 forks
420 plates
600 napkins
not enough cups
and lots of toilet paper!!!

Flowers have been determined and order placed.

Periodically picking up fun things for the reception, for the younger kids.
And Bride keeps telling me " oh my friends will love those!"
I said I might put age limitations on some things or the little kids won't get anything.

The electrician came and we now have power in the backyard.

Patches, our dog, played Houdini and escaped. 
She was a happy dog for about 3 hours checking on all the neighbors. Happy to say she is resting now in the backyard, reminiscing about her adventures.

Bride and I are talking nearly every day. Definitley doing the email conversations.
This down-to-the-wire-stuff...means we need to be in closer communication.
I was a tad firm, I thought, in sharing some things she needed to do.Was concerned my firmness might not set well.
Fortunately she understood, didn't get bothered by it.
That folks is a blessing. Not because we don't communicate well normally but because we are both feeling the STRESSSS of these final days. It would be very easy to get offended or put-out with each other. And we might. good. 

I am ready to be done with this part. She is too.
We are just ready to party and play.
My body is reacting to the stress of the wedding and my mom's cancer journey. 
Getting such fun symptoms of vertigo, nausea, "and bears..oh my" hahahaha

FOB and I trimmed up the big globe willow tree. One pickup bed full of dead limbs. It's a beautiful tree, but like most willows...a big shedder. 
Eventually I had to stop tossing the limbs over the 6 ft. fence due to arms misbehaving. 
So today I smell like Bengay!!!


  1. Yeah, blogger messed me up, too. Good work on all the planning. I haven't read the later blogs, but my hope is all is well.

  2. minty fresh! **grin**
    my body is reacting too, wanting more & more sleep. this morning i am "halo-ing" don't worry i already took advil migraine.
    momma, i think we're gonna be fine. **grin** the worst possible thing i see is a possible "pouting match." **grin**
    it will just be good to be able to plan together in the same room! i anxiously await that!
